What are the services provided / how to get the service / steps of service:
No. Name of Service Officer / Name of Responsible Officer Name of Service Date of Service Provinces Provision of Remediation if the fee required to avail the service fails to provide the services
01. Setting up safe water sources
(Rural areas)
According to the list approved by Assistant / Deputy Assistant Engineer Upazila Waters Committee, Assistant Subsidy Subsidy According to the government allotment, the final list will be provided to the contractor who has received the order. Installing tube wells as per supplied list. 45 business days after approval by the Watson Committee Subsidiaries funded by the beneficiary
Shallow tube well = 1000 / -
They are tube well = 1500 / -
Ringwell = 2000 / - written complaint to the Executive Engineer at the district level.
Setting up safe water sources
(City area)
According to the list approved by the municipal mayor, the supply of subsidy to the contractor for the final list, according to the government allotment, according to the government allotment. Installing tube wells as per supplied list.
0. The quality of the water is given from the upazila headquarters (through field test kit). Assistant / Deputy Assistant Engineer of concerned upazila, after receiving the application form, after submitting the field testcents, visiting the sub-assistant engineer / tube-well mechanic for inspection of the tube well and testing the tube well. Written complaint to Executive Engineer at District level free of charge within 10 working days.
03. Checking water quality test (in the Regional Water Laboratory) after receiving the FISH application in the Regional Laboratory located in 11 districts across the country, the tube well watering and direct reports. Within 10 working days, arsenic = 450 / -
Iron = 450 / -
Chloride = 250 / -
Etc. Written complaint to the director, central pony laboratory, Mohakhali, Dhaka.
04. Distribution of free ranslab, distribution of free sanitation equipment among the poor, according to the list given by the Union Parishad under the allotment of Assistant / Deputy Assistant Engineer of the upazila concerned. According to the allocation received. Free distribution among the poor. Written complaint to the Executive Engineer at the district level.
05. Supply of recycled spare parts / latrine reslubs to the office of Assistant Upazila Public Health Engineering Office, the Government provided the spare parts / reslocks of the tube. With respect to the required reservoir, the reserve price for the spare parts and tube-well spare parts list is reserved for each office. Written complaint to the Upazila Assistant Engineer / Deputy Assistant Engineer
06. Encouraging the people regarding the implementation of safe drinking water, sanitary latrine and health rules related to the relevant assistant / deputy assistant engineer / tube-well mechanism of concerned upazila. Written complaint to the Executive Engineer at the free district level according to the annual action plan.
07. Training and wrench supply to the supervisors of government tube wells. Assistant / Deputy Assistant Engineer of concerned upazila. After completion of tube-wells, the supervisors are trained to provide tube training and provide wings in line with the allotment. Wreath supply with training and allotment within 28 working days of completion of tube well. Subject to the provision in the project. Written complaint to the Executive Engineer at the district level.
08. Assistant / Deputy Assistant Engineer of the Executive Engineer / Upazila of Technical Assistance. In the rural areas of Bangladesh, technical assistance is provided to all government-private organizations and public bodies in the form of safe water supply and sanitation infrastructure in connection with the demand of municipalities in the union councils and municipal areas. 07 working days. The Executive Engineer of the respective district of the concerned executive engineer, in the case of a free engineer and assistant engineer / deputy assistant engineer,
09. Assistant / Deputy Assistant Engineer / Nalokup mechanic in the upazila related time, get the safe drinking water and encourage the people to follow the health rules. Apart from allotment, various equipment such as safe water, water purification tablets, tube pipes, tube pipelines, ring slabs are distributed free of charge for elevation. Within 3 days, the Executive Engineer of the respective district of the concerned Executive Engineer of the concerned Executive Engineer and Assistant Engineer / Deputy Assistant Engineer
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS